Episode 3: Money in Your Marriage Part 3 of 4: Money - How We Save It
/Money in your marriage Part 3 of 4: Money - How we save it
Episode 003
January 28, 2019
Who we are
How we got here
What the podcast is all about
How we save money
Why should we save?
Proverbs 13:11 Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.
Proverbs 21:5 The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.
2. How do we save.
Types and tiers
The Emergency Fund
Gotta do this first!
When you have it unexpected expenses seem to pass you by.
When you don’t have it unexpected expenses seem to be drawn to you like you're some kind of magnet.
Needs to be separate from your other finances...so it doesn’t just get pulled in.
B. Retirement savings
Super important
Invest early- can’t beat the math of compound interest
Don’t turn down your free money-you’ll get back to it later.
Offered to participate in 401K program through work and I opted out
DO something!
C. Special occasion, event or purchase savings
Christmas - same day every year
We didn’t always save or have a plan
When we did it went smoother and there was less friction. Make sure you are in agreement on how much to spend.
Vacations - cost divided by the number of months you have until the trip. Don't forget the spending money.
When you plan there is less stress. You can actually vacate while on vacation, no worries about the bills or what the bills will look like when you return home
Make sure the vacation matches the season you are in in your finances. The important things are that you plan ahead and the time you spend with family.
Cedar Pointe and affordable hotel stay vs Disney World (possible credit card).
Be consistent (you don’t want to try to “catch-up”).
3. Household upgrades - sofa, tv, refrigerator
a.Make a list of what you want to get done in the house, together.
b. Save towards getting those things accomplished. Consider order of importance.
c. Compromise: Some things will be important to you and not your spouse.
d. Be flexible: The list will change.
4. Make sure you are in agreement on how you will save and what you are saving for.
a. Talk about the end game. You want to feel like you are working towards something.
b. Be on the same page:
1. Mark 3:25: If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
2. Psalm 133:1: How good and pleasant is it when God’s people live in unity!
5. Celebrate your victories!
Plan a day to discuss all of your thoughts on saving and what you would like to save for. Hear each other’s hearts about saving and develop a strategy to address what you uncover. You may realize how all of our action plans require some sort of discussion. That’s our way of getting you to discuss your finances.
Pray for our podcast
Like us on social media, FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram.
Budget - Excel spreadsheet
Our Spending Plan (Budget) spreadsheet
Dave Ramsey - Total Money Makeover
The Total Money Makeover on Amazon
Money and Marriage God’s Way
Money and Marriage God's Way on Amazon
Next week we'll discuss how to give it.
[00:13] Welcome to Sam and Erica's marriage podcast. Here we will talk about practical ways to have an even better marriage and ways to handle the challenges that are sure to come. Regardless of where you are in your marriage, your age, or how long you have been married, this podcast is for you. We would discuss difficult topics from dealing with past hurts and unforgiveness to making date night spicy. Even if you're single, you probably want a better marriage than the marriages you've seen. Join us weekly as we discuss ways to make marriages better. We invite you to sit back, relax and enjoy the show.
[00:59] Welcome again to Sam and Erica's marriage podcast episode zero zero three. Thank you guys for joining us again, we're again really excited that we have another opportunity to share some of Sam and Erica's marriage with you guys. This episode we're continuing our conversation about money and marriage. We're going to be talking about how we save money this week. One of the things we wanted to do is say thank you so much for everybody who responded and gave us great feedback on episode zero zero one, um, we get some responses from people who thought that money was not going to be the issue that they needed to talk about but, they decided that they were going to make some vocab changes and call it a spending plan and not a budget. Um, so we are really excited about that and we look forward to hearing all your feedback from episode two and from episode three.
[01:59] Yes, and speaking of feedback, when you guys want to leave us feedback, the preferred method, if you go to seasonsministries.org/podcast from that page, no matter where you are on that page, on the right hand side, you'll see a tab and it says voicemail. If you click that tab, a box will open and you'll be able to leave us a recording, an audio recording of your voice. We would appreciate if you leave messages for us that way. That's going to be our preferred way of communicating back and forth with you, not just, um, anything you want us to know from feedback on the show criticisms, if I said something stupid, that's the place to let us know right there. Uh, all the way down to (on a serious note), all the way down to prayer requests. Right? Right. If we've said something that you think you just want to let us know how it had an impact on you or how it may have just just sparked something inside of the relationship between you and your spouse and you want to share that with us, that's the place to do it.
[03:07] Those messages come directly to us. No one will hear those other than Erica and myself. And we check those messages, every time we get one, we check it immediately. Immediately. All right. Yeah, so we again, January, we're doing money all month. Uh, first episode we talked about how we spend money. Then we talked about how we see money and we talked a lot about debt in that episode and this time in this part three or four we're going to be talking about how we save money, saving money is a really, really interesting thing because everybody believes that saving is good, but it's very difficult to pull off. Very difficult. Yeah, we, we, we tend to struggle with being able to execute with saving. When Erica and I started our study this time, we, we started with, of course, what does the Bible say about saving money? But what we found early on was an attitude about saving money from scripture.
[04:11] and that began with Proverbs 13:11 and it reads "dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers up money little by little makes it grow". And that is not just the principle of saving, but more specifically that is almost the exact word picture for compound interest. One of the things we're going to be talking about a little later on, saving little by little makes it grow. It's like compound interest. So we were talking about that again a little further in the episode, but another scripture that really just jumped out at me was Proverbs 21:5, "the plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty". It just lets us know, I think that you, you have to have a plan to save. When you were talking about proverbs 13:11, at the end of that scripture it talks about saving little by little.
[05:13] I kind of for my, for my own self personally, um, early on we would talk about saving and the plan that we would set up for a saving. I would find that to be a little discouraging because, you know, I was looking for something immediately and the little by little getting to that goal of the dollar amount that we saved, that would be a little frustrating for me. So it was very difficult for me to sign on in the beginning because it it because of that reason. Yeah. And I, and I believe that is, that's, that's the human condition I think. And I think that's why God put it in the Book. Like it's in scripture so that we can be encouraged despite way it feels, He's reassuring us by saying you're saving little by little, but that's what will make it grow, right? Like it's there to encourage us because we are going to feel exactly that way.
[06:12] Like there's no way I'm going to get to be, there's no way I'm going to have $1 million if I'm only saving this $47 in my 401K every paycheck, "It'll take my whole life and I'm never going to have anything" like that's how it feels. Right and I think God's Word is just reassuring us that Nope, you're doing it the right way and trust Me it's going to grow. We're going to talk about some of those reasons why and how those things actually grow. We do also in our study time, just kind of want to break out how we believe saving actually works and we kind of decided that we could break that into a couple of different categories. So the first category being the first type of savings or category is the emergency fund. Emergency Fund is, we put that first because it's emergent. It's an emergency fund, right?
[07:13] It's that thing that you have to have. It may not be the most important, but it is the most urgent. Emergency Fund is, is just as the name implies, it's for emergencies. And when we talk about emergencies, we're talking about things like car repair, unexpected car repair. We're talking about your refrigerator dies. The furnace in the middle of winter, furnace goes out in the middle of winter. These are real emergencies. I need to get pay per view because there's a big fight this weekend is not an emergency. We can't use the emergency fund for that. The emergency fund is for real emergencies and there are a couple of rules to emergency fund and these are Sam and Erica's rules. These aren't rules that you and your spouse have to stick with. These are things that that we've kind of gotten from some resources that we've read over the years. Uh, most recently we did a small group at our church and we used the book, the Marriage and Money God's way, and they outlined the same dollar amount, $1,000, $1,000.
[08:28] The amount that they suggested, for an emergency fund. Uh, in the Dave Ramsey book, the Total Money Makeover, he uses the same number $1,000. $1,000 to us seems to be enough to be able to handle most emergencies. Did you agree? I agree, but I would also encourage the couples if it's something if $1,000 won't work or if they feel like they need to save a little bit more to put into the emergency fund. For example, let's say the car breaks down and you need a new furnace all at the same time, so that would require a little bit more than a thousand dollars. So I would imagine or suggest that they would come up with their own plan, but $1,000 is, that's a good starting point. That's a great, that's a good point. What works in your individual finance is going to be up to the two of you? Right. But for us and for the example that, the examples that we've seen $1,000 is a pretty standard amount.
[09:26] Another thing about the emergency fund is that you've got to get it now. You got to do this first before you start all of your other saving before you get all your other plans, before you even get out of debt, you have to get this $1,000 like you have to get this like your life depends on it because it's, it's, uh, Dave Ramsey refers to it as Murphy insurance, meaning that Murphy's law, anything that can happen will. When you don't have $1,000 when you're broke, stuff is going to happen to you. Is broke a real word? Broke is a real okay. Ask me, It's that broke, broke is absolutely a real word. Stuff is going to happen. If you don't have $1,000 you are going to have a flat tire. You are going to have the dryer go out. These things are gonna happen to you every time you get down to your last 40 bucks.
[10:23] It's all most divine in the way that when you have ten one hundred dollar bills stuffed in an envelope somewhere in your house, those things don't happen as often. It's almost like they just, they just pass you right over. You get that, you get those ten one hundred dollar bills and you stick them in a drawer somewhere. It's amazing how the number of emergencies you have just decreases like as soon as you fund that Emergency Fund. Another thing about the emergency fund is that you want to keep this money separate from your regular finances. It's really easy for people to overspend in their checking and just take from the emergency from the emergency fund emergency. Yeah, that's right. Right. You got to tied to um, you're a savings account is tied to your checking account. It's really easy for you to fund your lifestyle and dwindle your emergency fund a way.
[11:28] We actually have a real life situation where one of our daughters had to use her emergency fund today. Today, today, she had her car break down and she needed a new alternator and she says, "I'm glad that I had my emergency fund because I don't know what I would've been able to do without it", that's right. And she said it's because dad told her too. So yeah, I don't know if it was dead. It was mom and dad, but the moral to the story was right. It wasn't a big deal for her. No, this is a 22 year old, but that kind of car repair for me when I was 22 would have been the end of the world. Like I wouldn't have had the money in a couple of hundred bucks to just in between paydays to go and get my car fixed. Right. It would have been a disaster, for her
[12:22] It was a phone call, got a tow truck. The guy told it to our mechanic, she goes in and she pays the guy with cash out of the door. Same Day. No problems, no stress, no crying. She didn't call me upset because it was just a car repair. It wasn't an emergency because she had the money because she had the money and that's how emergency funds work. Another category is Retirement savings. Retirement savings are super important, like they're not emergent at all. Whereas the emergency fund is super emergent. The the retirement savings is super important. It's one of those things that we can put on the back burner and then we get old and we don't have enough money to retire like nobody wants to be working past the age that they figured they should retire, but if you don't have retirement savings and a lot of cases we end up in that situation.
[13:24] The most important thing in, in our study of this, uh, category of savings is that you have to invest as early as possible. Retirement savings really work because you're saving this money over a long period of time over your entire work career. You're putting aside a little bit each pay over the course of your entire work life and that compound interest grows your money. It's that principle we talked about in Proverbs 13 it's that little by little, that's going to make it grow. That is a one of the most powerful principles in finance, compound interest over the course of your, of your entire work career. It's amazing the gains that you can have just by setting aside a small percentage of what you actually make. A lot of employers have a matching in their 401Ks where they'll match the first 3% or 5% that's a also a very, very important thing.
[14:33] You got to think of that as free money. Like we don't turn down free money. If somebody is offering to match every dollar that you are willing to set aside and give it to you, you can't turn that down. You gotta get in that 401K. Except, I did turn that down. I had a situation when I first started working for my employer probably about maybe two or three years in and it was review time and he says, Erica, do you want me to give you an increase in pay or would you rather me put this in your 401k? I said, hmm, how about I'll take the increase in pay. A couple of years roll by and he gives me that offer again. This time I decide I should probably talk to Sam about this. So I talked to Sam about it and then I tell him about the time before where I turned it down and his response was, what?
[15:33] Free money. You never turn down free money. Why didn't you talk to me about this? You talked to me about everything else. And so he said it lovingly, don't get me wrong, but then I decided, yeah, I probably need to do that investment in that 401K thing. When you really think about it, you know the free money piece, we're talking about on the day that you put it aside, you've doubled your money before interest happens before the next deposit hits. You've doubled your money on the moment that it's deposited. The moment that that is, that dollars invested, it turns into $2 you can't get that anywhere else. You've got to take advantage of that and that's like the, our last point about retirement savings is you got to do something. You know, as soon as you get those, that 10th $100 bill put in your emergency fund, then you got to do something with your retirement savings.
[16:30] If you're not in a position to fund it the way that you like, maybe you want to set aside 10% of your income, you want to max out the 401K at your job, and you also want to have a Roth. You can get really, really fancy with retirement savings. There's a lot of tools out there. More importantly than the tools is that you do something because you want to get that money working for you as soon as possible, as soon as possible, as soon as you can. So as soon as we recommend that as soon as you get that 10th hundred dollar bill that you start something towards your retirement savings. Even before you start to tackle a lot of that debt. Making sure that you secured that free money might be a move this worth it. You know, of course your Financial adviser will be able to walk you through it specifically.
[17:20] Right. That's another story for another day. You're Financial adviser. So that brings us actually to like something fun, a funner category of saving, which is a special occasions, events, big purchases, those kind of savings are savings just as well. You know when we talking about Christmas, saving for a holiday is a saving plan just like saving for your retirement is. Christmas is is like one of those things is as we talked about in episode one, the Watson household has had some ups and downs around the Christmas holiday. Like we didn't know it was coming on the 25th of December. It just comes up on us and we're caught by surprise. Caught by surprise. We didn't know. No. And then we do everything we can to make sure that the girls have the best Christmas possible and we risk our marriage because we were at each other's throats over money, plastic stuff.
[18:29] But they had a good Christmas every time. All joking aside, we really didn't plan for Christmas. And so once we decided, which, we started doing a Christmas club through the Credit Union, right? We started doing that. It was easier to have Christmas. Yes. We didn't have, you know, the big fights about money. We knew exactly how much we were going to spend. The money was already available. So it was a matter of just getting it out and going Christmas shopping for the girls. So it was definitely much smoother when we had a savings plan. That's one of those things that, that most institutions, especially smaller local institutions, if you've got a local bank or credit union, they almost always have those vacation clubs and Christmas clubs. And, and it really just works with some really simple math. You know, it's, it's x number of pays between now and Christmas. You guys sit down when you're doing your spending plan
[19:26] Um, I'm being taught to you spending plan. You guys heard that, right? Spending plan. When you sit down and do your spending plan, you determine how much money can you afford to put towards your Christmas savings and you just take that money and you put it into your Christmas club, each paycheck and sometime in November, usually like the week or two before black Friday that your institution will let you know, hey your, your Christmas club is mature and you come in and you take out your Christmas money and in hundred dollar bills and you go out and you enjoy the season, you go out and you can be a blessing without having to worry about what the credit card statement is going to look like in January. It's a beautiful thing and the same thing applies with vacations, vacations, very similar. Most banks have vacation club and if they don't, this is something that you can do. You're just looking for a no fee savings account with no minimum balance. Most banks have those, you're not going to earn any interest on your money, but you want to use it to separate the money from your operating finances and just going to make that payment. If you know you're going to the Bahamas in seven months, you take the total of the trip, you divide it by seven and that's how much need to set aside a month.
[20:48] You put that in that account and you walk away, you're off to The Bahamas, pay for no credit card debt. That's the way you really get a vacation. It may seem like from episode one and then episode two and now episode three that we're suggesting all these different categories where you should put your money and you may feel like you won't have any money at the end of every month if you're taking it and putting in all these, putting it in all of these categories. But what you will realize is that when it's time to vacation or to go on vacation, the money is there. When it's time for Christmas shopping, the money is there. Um, when you have the unexpected expense, the or emergency fund is there. So it's really, it's not like we're, you know, saying that you have to take all your money and put it, use it all.
[21:38] We're really just suggesting that you put it, you plan for it, that you put it in the category so that when the time comes, you'll be prepared and you'll definitely, when you go on vacation, I am a big believer in being able to vacate while on vacation. The last thing you want to do is worry about the credit card bill or worry about how much you know you're going to spend $15 on a coke when you're on vacation because the money has already been pre-planned and you don't have to worry about it. So you can vacate and sit by the beach and soak up some sun, soak up some, have some fun. It is so crazy to be in a, on a, on a beautiful beach and some exotic location and you can't relax because you're worried about how much the trip cost. You already know every time the waiter walks by that you're digging a hole for yourself to get out of
[22:34] when you get back, you get back from vacation just as stressed out as you were when you left, right? That's not the way it's supposed to work. No. If you do it this way, those vacations become so much more enjoyable. You really do get to vacate. Another thing too with the vacation is you want to make sure that you're vacating in the proper financial season of your life. Uh, if you have small children and you want to take them to Disney world and you can afford it, when you map it out in advance, that's perfect. You take the, you know the total amount and you divide it by however long it's going to take you to get there and you'll have a great time. If you're in a season where you're trying to get debt free, you've put money in your emergency fund and you want to just be able to do a quick getaway. Going to Cedar Point, staying in a hotel overnight, is perfectly fine too. You don't want to be stressed out while planning a vacation or tempted to break out that plastic or tempted to break out the credit card, which we know that a vacation, will bring out that plastic. Another thing that really helps with these kinds of things is just that kind of consistency.
[23:46] Erica just mentioned, you know a couple of times taking how much time you have and just dividing out the amount over that period of time. That is such a powerful tool when it comes to saving. It's that Proverbs 13 principle again. It's that little by little and you're going to have what you need. That's really the, the, the biblical approach to these kinds of events, savings or even your retirement savings is to really be consistent. Just to kind of plod away at that thing. Household upgrades, that's another kind of special savings. You know when it's time to get the new Living Room, it's time to get that, that new Samsung, you and this TV, 150 inch 8K ultra HD. Yeah. When is that time? You don't want to just run into the best buy and swipe your card and be making payments on the television for the next decade. Right. There's a better way.
[24:51] I actually ladies, I can't give him a hard time about the TV cause I want one real bad too so. We're due, as far as the household upgrades, one of the things that I would suggest that you do is sit down as a couple, and make a list of everything that you want to get done throughout the house over, you know, you can say six month time frame or even within a year you just decide what it is that you want to do. Um, you can make a list and then you can save towards getting those things accomplished. Um, wives, I do want to let you know though, in advance, he is not going to care about matching appliances in the kitchen. Not if he's Sam. He really, no he doesn't. He does not care about that. So, you know, if you have a, you know, you want to get a Samsung gas range and it's on the top of your list and it's not really on the top of his list, that's okay. You know, making lists requires a lot of compromise and you have to be flexible because sometimes one thing will top another. So just be mindful of that.
[25:53] Yeah, that's happened to us more times than not. You know, we've got a plan, we know where we're going to buy next, the next we'd, you know, we kind of just moved through the house and upgrading or replacing things kinda in a, in an order that we picked. And you've got something kind of teed up to be the next thing, but then something breaks. Yeah. So, you know, it gets bumped down on the list because the next thing kind of has, um, it's, it's just have a higher priority. And I get my stove. Yes, she gets her stove matching stove. It matches y'all. It does it matches.
[26:31] With everything that we've talked about today, we want to just make sure that you guys are in agreement on how you're saving and what you're saving for. We want to make sure that you talk about an end game. Talk about what you, um, what you're working towards, what you want to, what you want to accomplish and you want to be on the same page. Mark 3: 25 says, "if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand". Psalm 133:1 says "how good and pleasant is it when God's people live in unity". And we're talking about just about finances in general. We've been talking about finances this whole month and we want to just continue to encourage you guys to stay on the same page with these, you know, with talking about money. The conversation is as important as the execution. You know, when the two of you sit down and you kind of get that out in the open, you know, the, the things that I really like to do with the house, you know, the, the vacation and I would really like for us to take this year here in each other's heart, you know, especially as it pertains to money really
[27:38] will tear down some walls. It really will increase your intimacy. It will in a way that it's really hard to do in other ways. You know, that's one of the reasons I believe why the Bible is filled with so many metaphors and pictures and stories. The point is made about money, but it's really talking about a heart principle because we can get our hearts kind of tied or commingled into the finances. Sitting down and really having that conversation. You and your spouse, just sharing, your feelings, your thoughts about your finances, your concerns, your fears, your, the things that you hope for. All of those things as it relates to money gives you just a different depth in your intimacy and it, and it gets those skeletons out of there. You know, you don't have those, those hidden things. Right. I agree with the intimacy. And it also brings about a, Babe you
[28:43] Talk about this all the time. It brings about a oneness. I mean, you guys are, you know, we're on the same page about this money thing. This, we're now having soft conversations about money and finances. Whereas we wouldn't talk about them in the beginning. We wouldn't talk about them at all. I would have my idea. You would have your idea and we would be working totally against one another. Yeah. But this, you know, having these soft conversations brings about unity. And I think that's great, intimacy, I love that word. And you don't hear it talking, when you refer to money, husband and wife. But I really love that word because it allows us to be able to go into those deeper places. I agree. I agree. So that's really our stance on saving. Another thing that I want to make sure that you guys do is when you decide you want to do your emergency plan and it's complete, do something to celebrate, go have a smoothie
[29:42] or something. Uh, when you save for vacation, when you get your Christmas club money maxed out, just celebrate. You want to celebrate those accomplishments and it gives you a greater sense, our greater purpose of what you're doing and if you feel good about it. Yeah. At the end, I really, we got that from Money and Marriage God's Way with Howard Dayton over this summer and that was something that I really felt encouraged about that it's really good to, to celebrate those small victories. Because a lot of times in our finances we really do have like losses, right? Like you're bummed out because the checking account was overdrawn or an unexpected expense or you had to, you know, you had to set aside a trip or you had to downgrade so you, you kind of get bombed. Right? So the, the adverse is definitely true. When you accomplish a goal, you should celebrate it.
[30:34] Right? Yeah. That's really good. So to take away from this message on how to save there, a couple of things we want you guys to try this week. The first thing is we would like it if the two of you could plan a day to discuss your thoughts on saving and what you would like to save for, this is kind of one of those things that we were just talking about a moment ago, one of those intimacy builders. This is like a heart thing. I'm going to tell my spouse that thing that I would really like for us to save up for and when she tells me that she wants to save up for some designer handbag, I am going to not frown. That was so wrong. I am going to keep a pleasant look on my face and I'm going to hear my wife's heart. I am not going to judge her because I and I just believe in, when we talk about what's going on on the inside, we share it with our spouse.
[31:37] It just brings us closer together. It does. Yeah, and I think that's important. You guys may realize that our action plans require some sort of discussion and that's our way of getting you to softly or gently talk about your finances in the way that you've never talked about them before. So you know, if you're like, we are requiring you to do too much. It's, it's not our intent, but really just want you to have some discussion about finances. You know those people that know me personally know that I'm like a homework dude, but this is not homework. This is, this is just, you know, some, a little takeaway. It's a takeaway. The other two things are kind of selfish things like the next thing is that we would really appreciate if, if you've enjoyed listening to us or if you just tolerated it because you like us personally.
[32:24] That's cool too. We appreciate that, we appreciate that. Just as much we were asking you guys to pray for this podcast, we are super, super excited about this opportunity. We really are working hard to it as successful as we possibly can. We really believe that God has His hand on this thing, but prayer is, is is the currency that we need. We need you guys to partner with us to pray. It's um, so interesting that right after we got done with episode one, we're having so much fun. We can't wait to get to episode two and I get tonsillitis. Like I was like no voice in the bed for a week. It was nuts. Emergency Room, ambulance ride. It was crazy. Like we recorded episode two with like the first words that came out of my mouth in a week. Like I had been, it was pretty bad. It was really bad.
[33:25] So if you guys made it three episode two, thank you. We appreciate. Yes, cause that wasn't us. That was me on like morphine. So you guys can pray for us. We believe that, that this is something that's worth doing and we believe that we can honor God in this, but we need your help. Pray with us, pray with us. Uh, the other thing is that if you are enjoying this, share it with someone. This week we'd asked you to just, just like us on your social media, if you've got facebook, we're there instagram, twitter seasonsministries.org or Sam and Erica"s marriage podcast, you'll find us in all of those places. Spread, help us to spread the word. If you can like us on your social media and share the podcast with other people, it would make a huge difference for us. We ask that.
[34:21] Uh, you would also check out our show page on our show page, that seasonsministries.org/podcast. You'll see a complete set of show notes for every episode, so you'll be able to actually see a, I would call it a rough outline maybe of the things that we discuss. And if you scroll down a little bit further, you'll see actually complete it transcripts. So every word that we speak in every episode is transcribed and available for you at our show page. There's also links for the books that we've mentioned right there on the show page. Now we know at the time of episode one, you really couldn't see the link because it was the same color as regular text our wonderful web designer has fixed those things for us. Shout out to agency828, 828- that would be our oldest daughter, and she is our web designer, she is. Yes. Again, we just want to thank you guys for hanging out with us. We're really having a blast with this and we hope you're enjoying it to, uh, join us next week as we talk about part four of our money series, how to give, how to give.. God bless. God bless.